The current board policy is linked here PDF DocumentFOIA Policy

FOIA Coordinator: Christina Wetherell,

The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to maintain public records of this District and to make such records available to residents of Michigan for inspection and reproduction.

The public records of this District include any writing or other means of recording or retaining meaningful content prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by the District, its Board, officers, or employees, subject to certain exemptions according to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). 

How to file a FOIA Request with the District

Any person may make a written request for any public records of the District. The person may inspect, copy, or receive copies of the public record requested. Requests can be made to the attention of the FOIA Coordinator and may be dropped off or mailed to the district administration office at 360 South Mill St. Newaygo, MI 49337. Requests can also be made via email at The District has prepared a FOIA Request Form (PDF) which is available at the NPS Administration office or printed off this website and may be used to submit requests. If that form is not used, the following is recommended when making a request:

  • Please specify with as much detail as possible the records you wish to inspect and/or receive copies of. For example, if applicable, please include the time period involved and the department where the documents may be located, if you know it.
  • Please include your mailing address and daytime phone number, as well as an email address and fax number, if applicable.

How much time does the District have to respond?

The District shall respond to such requests within five (5) working days after receipt unless otherwise agreed to in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. The response period can be extended by the FOIA Coordinator for up to an additional ten (10) business days. Day 1 of the response period is considered to be the next business day following receipt of the written request. Email is considered "received" one business day after it was sent. If, however, the request is electronically transmitted and delivered to a spam or junk mail folder, the request will be deemed received one (1) day after the District becomes aware of it. Sometimes requests involve voluminous documents spread over several departments. In those cases, full compliance with the request may take longer than fifteen (15) business days. 

The FOIA Coordinator can either grant a request; deny it in full or in part, citing one or more exemptions; or certify that the requested document(s) doesn't exist.

Fees for providing documents

Any individual may purchase copies of the District's public records upon payment of a fee. No original public record may be removed from the office in which it is maintained except by a Board officer or employee in the course of the performance of his/her duties. 

The District shall charge a fee to cover actual costs of providing access to and/or copies of public records in accordance with the law, except that disclosure to any of the following person(s) in the public interest:

  • A news media organization for dissemination to the public;
  • A member of the Board
  • A minor for use in a school or community organization civics project (ex. Boy Scouts Citizenship merit badge)

NPS FOIA Fee Itemization Form


If a request for disclosure of record(s) is denied, procedures for appeal of the decision shall be provided along with the denial.