Newaygo Scholarships
Who Can Apply?
All seniors, who are planning to attend a college, university, trade school or apprenticeship program should fill out scholarship applications! Organizations want to give to those who are serious about furthering their education. Please don't think because you aren't in the top ten of your class that you don't qualify for scholarship assistance. The majority of scholarships that were awarded last year were given to students with a GPA between 2.5 and 3.5!!
Descriptions of Available Scholarships
Descriptions of each scholarship are available on this page under Resources. Also you may request a copy of the descriptions from the Counseling Office Secretary.
How Do I Apply?
Each scholarship requires an application to be filled out. Applications can be found on this page under Resources.
What goes with the Application?
All applications must be accompanied by:
- A cover sheet with the name of the scholarship, your name and Newaygo High School. You may also scan your picture on the front cover if you prefer.
- An application
- A Profile/Essay Page (a description, which tells who you are, your high school and community service accomplishments, career goals, GPA and any other information which you want an organization to know about).
- Your high school transcript
- Two (2) letters of recommendation (Make sure you read each scholarships requirements carefully - some require more than two references.)
Staple in the upper left hand corner - please do not use binders or folders of any kind.
Read all scholarship criteria carefully - each one may need specific items to be included with the application package! Some require Financial Need information. If this is required, and is not included, your application may be overlooked! The organizations receiving this information understands this is confidential. It is in your best interest to include your financial need information, if it is required.
Application Deadline:
3rd Wednesday of March each year! Applications are to be turned in to the Counseling Secretary.
Lisa Piccard
Counseling Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Open During Lunch
2025 Local Scholarship List for Seniors
Newaygo Scholarship Application
Fremont Area Foundation Scholarships
Gerber Foundation Scholarships
Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers